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Voice over IP - VoIP

Entreprise VoIP Solution

1 - Compared to Proprietary Telephone Systems

Various companies make a wide range of telephone systems from small to large. All the components of a proprietary system come from a single manufacturer. The single company designs and builds all th hardware and software for their telephone system. They manufacture the system themselves. None o their equipment will work with systems from other companies. This is how they control the price.

Manufacturers usually sell the largest systems themselves, through a dedicated sales force. A dedicated sales force is, of course, expensive. The cost of this sales force and all the support behind the sales forc is included in the price you pay for your telephone system

Anything smaller than the very largest systems are usually sold through representatives or distributors. The smallest systems are typically available through representatives or distributors

The price you pay for a proprietary telephone systems includes all the costs of manufacturing and distribution. The price has to be high enough to provide a profit for everyone in the distribution chain, the manufacturer, distributor, representative, retailer, etc. The cost of designing and manufacturing i spread over a relatively few systems from a single manufacturer. This makes proprietary systems ver expensive.

is built with commodity PC hardware. Event the most sophisticated, industrial strength PC is far less expensive than any traditionallPBX. Since a PC is a commodity, PCs are inexpensive and your system is inexpensive.

You may need interface boards to support telephony. For example, you may need a board that will let you hook up to an incoming telephone line. You may want a board that lets you connect fax machine in your office to your system. The boards you add to the PC from companies like ar inexpensive. An system is far less expensive than any proprietary telephone system you migh consider buying for your business.

Proprietary systems are classified by their manufacturers by features. Do you want voicemail, that's more hardware and more money. Do you need a system that supports more users? That's a larger mor expensive system. A proprietary system will cost more for every feature you want. Features like voice-mail and an Internet connection will be expensive.

Each proprietary system in a manufacturer's product range is limited to a certain number of users. Adding more users requires adding more expensive cards to the system, or buying a more expensiv system. The manufacturer demands much more money for their more capable systems

A small inexpensive PC will run and support a surprising number of users. Do you need an system to support more users? You can use a larger PC. You can very easily use multipl servers. If you ever have too many users for a single system, spend a little bit mor money and put in another server.

You won't be able to get the features available with an expensive proprietary system if you purchase an inexpensive proprietary system. Manufacturers do not put all the features they support into all th products they sell. There may be a feature you need or want that is only available with a more expensiv system.

Features only available in a proprietary phone system costing tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars are now available in your free software. has most o the features found on any high-end proprietary telephone system.

A user community has grown up around . When a developer from any organization adds a new feature, you get that feature too. Unlike proprietary systems, you can easily add your own features

As it is new, may still lack a few features here and there, but it is easy to add new features to . When someone in the community adds the feature you want, you won't be charge extra for it. Since the product is open source, you can add you own features.

Atek VoIP Solution has facilities proprietary telephone systems cannot provide. For example, has a scripting system. This scripting system makes it easy to make do amazing things. For example, you can write a script to have call you in the morning to wake you up. You can write a script t have read a weather or traffic report.

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